
Nearing completion...

We are gradually moving back into the house. There are still things to be done, but I am finally cooking again. The fridge is still waiting to have the water hooked up, and the dishwasher isn't working either, but hopefully soon. The floors are done, and Kipp and I have been working on installing new light fixtures. We are slow, but it is getting done.


Elizabeth Cranmer said...

Talk about organized cupboards Donna! Holy tupperware!

Katrina Wright said...


This is katie (bevans) wright, ashley left a comment on my page and then i found your. I was so excited hope all is well with you and i cant tell if you have just re-done your house but all looks good!!! i am due in 8 weeks and so excited for our little girl! hope you have a good day! kit.

my site is jkwrightaz.blogspot.com